Is Your New Year’s Resolution to Stop Vaping?


December 17, 2024

Do you think vaping is good for you when compared to smoking? Have you replaced your smoking habit with vaping?

It’s a common misconception that vaping doesn’t cause as much harm to the body when compared to smoking. The dangers of vaping are more serious than you’d think, causing breathing troubles, dry mouth and heart palpitations to name a few.

E-cigarettes, or vape pens, contain aerosols made of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, and flavourings that can lead to short-term and long-term issues. Furthermore, secondhand vapour from vaping can also be harmful.

This new year, if you want to give up vaping, then you may want to consider my quit vaping hypnotherapy. I’m a clinical psychologist with years of expertise in using a unique combination of hypnotherapy, clinical hypnotherapy, cognitive hypnotherapy and NLP to help you get over vaping withdrawal symptoms.

Through hypnosis, I don’t just help you abstain from your vaping addiction, I’ll also help resolve the emotional patterns that cause your addiction. This has a more long-lasting effect than switching from one addiction to another, such as nicotine patches or gums.

But before we get into the details of how hypnotherapy helps you quit vaping, let’s understand some of the side effects of vaping.

Side Effects and Dangers of Vaping

One of the biggest dangers of vaping to society is that it’s extremely common among non-smokers and teens. A recent study by the NHS has shown that 1 in 10 secondary school students vape. Another research shows that one million people in Great Britain vape, even though they’ve never smoked previously. This number has grown sevenfold in the last three years.

I’ve also found this at my hypnotherapy practice, seeing more and more vapers over the last few years.

Many people presume that vaping is ‘safer’ than smoking; however, there are still dangers. Here are some side effects of vaping:

1. Vapers are more prone to asthma.

2. Diacetyl, a chemical used in vaping flavours, causes permanent scarring in your lungs.

3. You may experience continuous, dry cough and irritation in the mouth and throat.

4. It’s common to experience nausea, headache and even eye irritation.

5. Those who use nicotine or other abusive substances inside their e-cigarettes can suffer from organ damage, hypertension, and cardiac and neurological problems.

One of the biggest dangers of vaping is EVALI (e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury). Vitamin E acetate is a harmful ingredient found in certain e-cigarette aerosol ingredients and can severely damage the lungs, requiring prolonged hospitalisation and, in severe cases, can lead to death.

5 Tips to Quit Vaping

If your New Year challenge is to quit vaping, you must be committed to this change. Whilst it’s always important to celebrate actively wanting to give up their addiction, the journey has only just begun. Here are five tips to make quitting vaping a success..

1. Your Reasons For Quitting Vaping

It’s important to understand why you want to give up vaping. Is it because you realise the dangers of vaping, suffer from vaping anxiety when you can’t vape for a long duration, or because it’s financially draining you?

Understanding the reasons behind your actions makes you more inclined to follow your commitment. ;

2. Consider Your Triggers


Most people resort to smoking or vaping due to social, physical or emotional triggers. For instance, some people can seek vapes/cigarettes to deal with social anxiety. Understanding these triggers can help you to find a better coping mechanism for it.

3. Finding Support

Always seek help to stop vaping, whether it’s from your partner, friends, co-workers or a professional. They can help you when you falter. For instance, a friendly co-worker can help you when you feel vaping anxiety. Similarly, loved ones can help you when you experience vaping withdrawal symptoms such as increased hunger, irritability, restlessness or insomnia..

4. Strategy For Dealing With Withdrawals

The biggest challenge in an addiction recovery journey is managing the withdrawal symptoms. It’s important to plan ahead, such as preparing yourself mentally for weeks ahead, getting rid of your vaping products, and rewarding yourself for every small win. The best way to deal with vaping withdrawal symptoms is to seek help from professionals.

5. Seek Help from a Professional Hypnotherapist

As a professional hypnotherapist, I can help you understand your emotional triggers, work with you on your coping strategies, and prepare you subconsciously to manage the withdrawal symptoms better. Hypnotherapy can help you feel more confident and strong-minded, making it easier for you to give up this addiction.

Quit Vaping With Hypnotherapy by Susannah Saunders

Have you repeatedly tried to give up vaping and failed? Deciding to quit a vaping addiction is one of the best New Year resolutions you could make for your health. However, it’s not something that takes just a day or two; you need to understand and address the underlying triggers to wean off your addiction successfully.

I have 20 years of experience in helping people quit smoking and other addictions. In my programme, I’ll help you to release your subconscious vaping trigger and teach you techniques to deal with vaping withdrawal symptoms.

Addiction often stems from issues such as anxiety, stress or even marital problems. With my bespoke hypnotherapy session, you’ll feel empowered and confident in any social setting without the need to vape or smoke.

I provide a recording of our session and a four-week aftercare service, where you can seek my personal assistance through my sessions as many times as you want. Quitting vaping isn’t easy, but I’m here to help you on that journey.

Contact me today to learn more about my treatments.